What’s Vtex?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

VTEX is one of the best well-known Ecommerce platforms in LATAM because of its exponential growth in the last years. It offers many advantages over other alternatives, for example:

  • Its implementation is easier than other platforms
  • It has a robust platform
  • It has its own payments gateway
  • It is a multi-tenant Ecommerce

Also, with VTEX, you can create a large variety of business projects, such as:

  • B2C (Business to Consumer): a strategy developed by your company to reach the customer directly.
  • B2B (Business to Business): your company or business makes commercial transactions with another one.
  • B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer): you are looking to reach new markets and customers by partnering with consumer-oriented and service businesses.
  • B2E (Business to Employee): the business relationship that is established between the company and its employees.

Does VTEX has presence in Latin America only?

Besides having a strong presence in countries of LATAM like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia, VTEX is present in more than seventeen countries, e.g. USA, Portugal, England, and more.

Currently, VTEX is expanding in many European countries thanks to its rapid growth as an eCommerce platform, the benefits that it offers, and the support of its team.

Who are the well-known or main clients?

VTEX has more than 2000 customers among them:

  • Disney
  • Sony
  • Calvin Klein
  • Whirlpool
  • Red Bull
  • Coca-Cola

And finally what features make of Vtex different?

VTEX has many features natively that others don’t, but the most outstanding features of this platform are:

  • StoreFront
  • OMS (Order Management System)
  • Multitenant
  • Smart checkout
  • Pricing
  • PCI Gateway
  • Logistics

In addition to these features, VTEX has more characteristics that make it a robust and complete eCommerce platform, for example, the Rates and Benefits module – that allows adding Promotions and Coupons, and the Message Center module – where you can customize all email templates.

You can see all benefits here in VTEX Page

So VTEX is a great option to be considered for almost any kind of ecomm project that you have in mind, the choice is yours, we can help you with it! Please, get in touch with us so you can get an estimation and more information.

Thank you for reading!

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