3 Common mistakes while migrating an Online Store

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once you’ve decided to migrate from one platform to another, it is essential for you to know what difficulties may arise. Keep in mind that if you are going to make a change, it is because the new platform will give you a better performance and a boost to your sales.

Mistake # 1: Changing the Layout
If you do a total redesign, Internet users who are already familiar with the site could get lost during Ecommerce navigation, which could drastically decrease the conversion rate. Changing the platform does not necessarily mean changing the total look of your site, it also has to do with optimizing your business strategy, improving performance, and generating better user experiences.
*How to avoid this? You must choose two things, a flexible platform that allows you to create A/B tests, and an experienced implementation partner. The first point is to make changes gradually that follow your migration objectives, and the second point is to know how to get the best of the platform’s tools thanks to the fact that our ally has advanced knowledge and straight contact with the company that provides the service.

Mistake # 2: To Ignore SEO strategy
New positioning mechanisms now check for quality content, descriptions, tagging, categorization, and URL. The “Page Not Found” error will appear if the migration manager didn’t index or map correctly the moment an Internet user bumps into one of your old URLs,
*How to avoid this? Get ready a redirect 301 strategy and make sure that the indicators link correctly to the new structure. Remember the point is not only URLs to work correctly, but they also should be optimized to make them more relevant against the old ones in the search engine and to reflect consistency with the content of our E-commerce.

Mistake # 3: To Forget history data
Although it seems obvious, we often forget to collect the history data before migrating; this makes it impossible to assess the impact of current investments. When you decide to make this change, it is essential for you to define some identifiers, especially those that are related to the objectives you are looking for with your E-commerce and the reason to execute the platform migration.
*How to avoid this? Indicators or reports must be part of your project managing strategy, and the person responsible for collecting them must be aware of the importance on how each metric affects the business.

Do you want to migrate from platform? Vtex is a good option, find out why here.

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