Hi, I am Ozmar Ugarte and I'm writing to let you know my experience as a MagmaHacker, but before I’ll provide some of the context just to be sure that everyone who read this post understands all about it.
What is MagmaHackers?
MagmaHackers is a program which the main purpose is to train anyone who wants to learn software development and the management of a software development project. This program is developed by MagmaLabs and I was part of the first generation of MagmaHackers. The program is divided into two parts, the first one is a series of classes where the instructors explain advantages, disadvantages, personal experiences and how to work with the technology or methodology that the topic is about. The second part is going to the office of MagmaLabs and be part of some project that actually is in progress or about to begin to put in practice the topics of the first part of the program and learn new ones while you learn by first hand to develop with best practices.
The first part of the program includes these topics:
Product development, SCRUM as a project management methodology, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, and API.
The second part (when we are at the office):
In this part of the program we worked at the office and we participated in a project. There we learned how to work in a team and how to deal with a real client, which is pretty different than dealing with a teacher in the school. I say that is different because the client trusts you his dream, his way of earning life and you're responsible for making the best job you can. When you help a client in a scholar project, you can deliver a bad and unmaintainable project and it doesn't matter, but if you do that with a client in a real project, you are making him lose money, time and credibility for your company. Some clients put all their money in their projects, so you feel even more motivated to make the project work, to help your clients to reach their goals. That is on the good side, but on the bad side, it's pretty common that your clients don't know what the project is supposed to achieve. They want the applications to do all the imaginable and some unimaginable things, even if some of them don't add value to the project. Your duty as a software engineer is to explain to your clients why some of that features are valueless for the application and give them another way to achieve what they want.
Me as a MagmaHacker.
I've already told you what the other MagmaHackers and I have done in the program, but what is the meaning of being a MagmaHacker? Well, for me being a MagmaHacker, means that I have the opportunity and responsibility of learning by the hand of experts "how things work" in the real world projects and deal with real clients. Curiously, I feel that the most important thing to learn is not technical, is to learn how to work in a team and have a good communication because this makes the project easier for everyone. Also sharing knowledge helps the whole team to improve because, in that way, everyone can help other members and move on instead of being blocked resolving a single problem for more time than the expected. This is something that most of the people can't learn at school.
Why should you be a MagmaHacker?
If you like to learn new things and be updated with the new technologies, MagmaHackers is for you because you will learn the basic and is up to you to define what you want to do. You'll learn a little bit of everything, even when you are the best back-end developer of the world, you will need to talk with the clients and give them some of the feedback about how is going the application and the ideas that they want to build the application. Not always the ideas of the clients will be the correct ones or the best ones, in that case, you will have to tell them why that ideas are inconsistent or can damage the application.he flexibility of the schedule for the MagmaHackers is pretty nice that allows the students go to the school and take the MagmaHackers sessions, even if you are not a student or recent graduated you can join to MagmaHackers there is no age limit this is for all the people who
The flexibility of the schedule of MagmaHackers is pretty nice because it allows the students to go to school and take MagmaHackers sessions. Even if you aren't a student or if you have recently graduated, you can join the program. There is no age limit, it is for all the people who want to learn the topics that I mentioned before. or even more, that is always up to you!
For me, MagmaHackers has been one of the best decisions that I have made. I strongly recommend you to be part of the program. Personally, if I could travel to the past, I would be a MagmaHacker again and I would invite more people to join because that means more partners and more knowledge to share. MagmaHackers program let me learn from all the participants. We weren't in a competition against others, we were training to be better in what we do, to learn as much as we could, to share that knowledge, and to always help to whoever need it. I'm very thankful for the opportunity that I had, MagmaHackers who participated with me in the program are now my friends and work partners.
Thanks for reading me, hope this help you out to join our community!
Next MagmaHacker's Selection Day:
November 26th - Colima, Col. Mex. Enroll
December 10th - León, Gto. Mex. Enroll