Lorem What?! Simulated texts and what they are for

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

If more than ever you ask yourself: What the hell is Lorem Ipsum? The first thing you have to know is that it is a very old text that has been used mainly within the publishing world, even since the first printing presses. Eventually, it has also been used in the digital world in order to simulate or showcase certain text and to see the way in which the typography adjusts to the composition when definitive texts are not yet available.

The text itself specific meaning since its character is merely demonstrative. It is taken from Cicero De finibus bonorum et malorum (On the limits of good and evil).

Nowadays, using simulated texts helps designers to make progress in their layouts, to consider the possible efficiency of the copies that will be defined later, and to test the typefaces in a very approximate way to the real thing.

Using Lorem Ipsum as an unrecognizable text allows you to concentrate more on the layout or composition of the design, and therefore it allows you to notice inconsistencies in the elements or in the typographic boxes.

Undoubtedly, Lorem ipsum is the most used and popularized text; However, it has its disadvantages when compared to typographic singularities and for this, it is more advisable to use a text that contains (if possible) all the letters and symbols of the language used.

That’s why there are generators with texts from novels or movies, for example, using texts from Quixote or Kafka’s Metamorphosis that will also help to make legibility even more approximate.

I will leave a list with a vast variety of simulated-text generators, ranging from the classic Lorem ipsum of Cicero to Motherfuckig placeholder text by Samuel L. Jackson.

  • www.blindtextgenerator.com
    A very simple generator that gives us the generation in several languages ​​(Russian, English, Italian, Spanish, German) and not only with Lorem ipsum, also Metamorphosis and Don Quixote, among others.
  • https://www.blindtextgenerator.com/es/snippets
    It is the previous generator, but with a special section to generate HTML code with simulated text. It is very useful to assemble text structures.
  • https://slipsum.com/
    If you want more of Motherfuker, there is no doubt this generator is for you. Confessions of Samuel L. Jackson in the Pulp fiction movie will help you create a good Motherfuking Placeholder Text.
  • http://getlorem.com/es/
    Another HTML Ipsum generator with the option of adding an application (for those people who like to work in the terminal).
  • http://www.zombieipsum.com/
    If you are into zombies, this Ipsum will add terror and up to 50% more brains.
  • http://www.catipsum.com/
    For cat lovers, this one is a must. It includes many meows and stories about cats.

If the simulated text has large and diverse applications, there are many types of generators online or they can be included in the design programs too.

In Magmalabs we use preferably Kafka or Don Quixote texts to give more readability to the text boxes; Even in cases such as products or users, we create realistic texts that bring us closer to having the sensation which the end-user will have eventually.

I would like to invite you to try one and see how you can fit it in into your own practices as a designer or developer. Just remember to use it wisely and change it for the final versions.

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