How to Build a Scalable & Production-Ready RAG System in Ruby for AI Applications

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a game-changing approach in AI applications, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning. While Python dominates AI development, Ruby provides a powerful, efficient, and production-ready alternative for building scalable RAG systems. In this article, we’ll explore a step-by-step RAG implementation in Ruby, breaking down key concepts, AI-driven text generation, and retrieval techniques, and examining how each component works together to create high-performance AI solutions.

Understanding RAG Architecture

Before diving into the code, let’s understand what makes our Ruby RAG implementation special:

  • Thread-safe document store: Handles concurrent requests safely
  • Flexible embedding generation: Uses OpenAI’s latest embedding models
  • Multi-provider support: Works with both OpenAI and OpenRouter
  • Efficient text chunking: Implements smart text segmentation with overlap
  • Production-ready API: Built with Sinatra for lightweight deployment

Core Components Deep Dive

Smart Text Chunking

One of the most critical aspects of RAG is proper text chunking. Our implementation uses a sophisticated approach:

def chunk_text(text, max_tokens: 800, overlap: 50)
  sentences = text.split(/(?<=[.!?])\s+/)
  chunks = []
  current_chunk = []
  current_tokens = 0

  sentences.each do |sentence|
    sentence_tokens = TOKENIZER.encode(sentence).tokens.size
    if current_tokens + sentence_tokens > max_tokens
      chunks << build_chunk(current_chunk, overlap)
      current_chunk = current_chunk.last(overlap)
      current_tokens = current_chunk.sum { |s| TOKENIZER.encode(s).tokens.size }
    current_chunk << sentence
    current_tokens += sentence_tokens
  chunks << build_chunk(current_chunk, overlap) unless current_chunk.empty?

This chunking algorithm:

  • Preserves sentence boundaries for natural context
  • Maintains overlap between chunks to preserve context
  • Respects token limits while maximizing content

Thread-Safe Document Store

The DocumentStore class implements thread safety using Ruby's Monitor module:

class DocumentStore
  include MonitorMixin

  def initialize
    @documents = []
    @index = []

  def add(chunk, embedding)
    synchronize do
      @documents << { chunk: chunk, embedding: embedding }
      @index << embedding

This ensures our RAG system can handle multiple concurrent requests without data corruption - essential for production deployments.

Intelligent Response Generation

The RAGBrain class orchestrates the response generation with a carefully crafted system prompt:

  Eres un asistente especializado en análisis de documentos. Respuestas deben:
  - Basarse exclusivamente en el contexto proporcionado
  - Ser concisas (máximo 3 oraciones)
  - Incluir referencias tipo [1] cuando aplique
  - Indicar claramente cuando no haya información suficiente

  Contexto disponible:

This prompt engineering ensures:

  • Responses are grounded in provided context
  • Clear attribution through references
  • Concise and focused answers
  • Transparency about information gaps

Production Considerations

Error Handling and Fallbacks

The implementation includes robust error handling throughout:

def embed(text)
  return @cache if @cache.key?(text)
  clean_text = text.truncate(MAX_TOKENS * 4, omission: "")
  response = @client.embeddings(
    parameters: {
      model: MODEL_EMBEDDINGS,
      input: clean_text

  raise "Embedding error: #{response.dig("error", "message")}" if response["error"]

  Vector[*response.dig("data", 0, "embedding")].tap do |vec|
    @cache = vec
rescue => e
  puts "Embedding fallback: #{e.message}"
  Vector.elements(, 0.0))

Key features include:

  • Caching for performance
  • Fallback vectors for error cases
  • Clear error messaging
  • Token limit handling

API Design

The Sinatra API provides a clean interface:

post "/ingest" do
  text = parse_text(request)
  emb_client =
  chunks = emb_client.chunk_text(text)
  chunks.each { |chunk| DOCUMENT_STORE.add(chunk, emb_client.embed(chunk)) }

  { status: "success", chunks: chunks.size }.to_json

Deployment Tips

To deploy this RAG system in production:

  1. Environment Configuration:
  2. Memory Management: The stats endpoint helps monitor system health:
    get "/stats" do
        documents: DOCUMENT_STORE.size,
        memory: "%d MB" % (`ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i / 1024)
  3. Scaling Considerations:
    • Use Redis or PostgreSQL for the document store in larger deployments
    • Implement rate limiting for API endpoints
    • Consider background job processing for document ingestion


Ruby proves to be an excellent choice for building production-ready RAG systems. The language's elegant syntax and robust concurrency support, combined with powerful gems like Sinatra, create a solid foundation for AI applications.

This implementation demonstrates that you don't need complex Python frameworks to build sophisticated RAG systems. Ruby's simplicity and productivity shine through, making it an excellent choice for teams looking to integrate RAG into their existing Ruby applications.

Remember to check the full source code for additional features and optimizations not covered in this article. The modular design makes it easy to extend and customize for your specific needs.

🚀 Want to take your AI-powered applications to the next level? Explore MagmaChat and see how it can enhance your conversational AI solutions!

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