I’ll show you how to test a rake task in a simple Sinatra Bootstrap project. Here we will put YML files into the JSON format.
A few days ago I was pairing with a coworker, and we needed to convert a YML file into the JSON format because the output was going to be used with Jasmine. So, what to do?
First we need to create an Rspec file
$ touch rspec/tasks/yml2json_spec.rb
As you can see, the file was created in the rspec/tasks/ directory.
Next, we will start testing our rake task:
require 'rspec'
require 'rake'
describe 'setup namespace rake task' do
describe 'setup:yml2json' do
before do
load "tasks/yml2json.rake"
it "should returns json file" do
expect(File.exists?('public/javascripts/from-yml-to-json.json')).to be_true
In your CLI write:
$ rspec
You will see this output:
Finished in 0.0005 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Then, to make the previous test pass, we will create a file in our tasks/yml2json.rb directory:
namespace :setup do
desc "Generate a json file according to yml_file.yml"
task :yml2json do
require 'yaml'
require 'json'
destination = "public/javascripts/from-yml-to-json.json"
json = YAML.load_file('spec/yml_file.yml').to_json
File.open(destination, 'w') do |file|
file.write json
After this, go to the console again and type:
$ rspec
You will see this:
Finished in 0.0446 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
Now we need to load our rake task into our Rakefile:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'rake'
Dir["tasks/*.rake"].sort.each { |ext| load ext }
Don’t forget to create your YML file into spec/yml_file.yml. That is the file that will be converted into the JSON format.
one: "First Element"
two: "Second Element"
three: "Third Element"
one: "First Element"
two: "Second Element"
three: "Third Element"
Now we run our task:
rake setup:yml2json
Voila! after that you will have this file in your directory: public/javascripts/from-yml-to-json.json
"one":"First Element",
"two":"Second Element",
"three":"Third Element"
"one":"First Element",
"two":"Second Element",
"three":"Third Element"}
What I used for this post:
- Ruby version: custom-2.0.0-p247
- Framework: Sinatra (1.4.3)
- Testing: Rspec (2.14.1)
- Rake
- Sinatra Bootstrap: https://github.com/adamstac/sinatra-bootstrap
I hope this was helpful, thanks for reading!
Follow me on Twitter @zazvick, read me at PolyglotCoder or mail me at victor.velazquez@magmalabs.io and stay in touch!