Backbone Associations With Supermodel.js

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Backbone is becoming one of my favorites tools to work with. I use it every chance I get to. However, one of the obstacles I’ve found by using it is the use of associations in my models.

Coming from a Rails scenario, I want to have my rails associations reflected on my backbone models. An association implies to tie up two or more models in a strong way. Keeping two models tied in backbone is a bit harder and needs to be done manually.

Days ago, when I was attending Backboneconf, one of the speakers (Rebecca Murphey) said that Backbone is like raw stones, and that it is our responsibility to take advantage of that stone and build something with it. In brief, we should extend backbone. In her talk, Rebecca mentioned Supermodel.js, a Backbone model extension with a lot of extra functionality, one of these is model associations.

Next, I’ll show you how to create a simple Rails/Backbone app using Supermodel.js.

  1. Create a new Rails app.
    rails new supermodel
  2. Create 2 resources (Company and Product), the association will be 1-n.
    rails g resource Company name:string  
    rails g resource Product name:string company_id:integer
    # company.rb
    class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
      attr_accessible :name
      has_many :products
    # product.rb
    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
      attr_accessible :company_id, :name
      belongs_to :company
    # application_controller.rb
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      respond_to :json
    # companies_controller.rb
    class CompaniesController < ApplicationController
      before_filter :find_company, except: [:index, :create]
      def index
        respond_with Company.all, include: :products
      def show
        respond_with @company, include: :products
      def create
        @company = params[:company]
        respond_with @company, include: :products
      def update
        @company.update_attributes params[:company]
        respond_with @company, include: :products
      def destroy
        respond_with @company, include: :products
      def find_company
        @company = Company.find params[:id]
    # products_controller.rb
    class ProductsController < ApplicationController
      before_filter :find_company
      before_filter :find_product, except: [:index, :create]
      def index
        respond_with @company.products, location: company_products_path(@company)
      def show
        respond_with @product, location: company_products_path(@company)
      def create
        @product = params[:product]
        respond_with @product, location: company_products_path(@company)
      def update
        @product.update_attributes params[:product]
        respond_with @product, location: company_products_path(@company)
      def destroy
        respond_with @product, location: company_products_path(@company)
      def find_company
        @company = Company.find params[:company_id]
      def find_product
        @product = @company.products.find params[:id]
  3. Create a home controller with and index action (I will use this controller to play with the javascript console).
    rails g controller home index
  4. Setup our routes.
    resources :companies do
      resources :products
    root :to => 'home#index'
  5. Add this to our project, I’ll use the rails-backbone gem.
    # Gemfile
    gem 'rails-backbone'
    bundle install  
    rails g backbone:install
  6. Download the Supermodel extension and place it in vendor/assets/javascript, then require it in your application.js file.
    // application.js
    //= require jquery
    //= require jquery_ujs
    //= require underscore
    //= require backbone
    //= require supermodel
    //= require backbone_rails_sync
    //= require backbone_datalink
    //= require backbone/supermodel-example
    //= require_tree .
  7. Create a company model using Supermodel
    class App.Models.Company extends Supermodel.Model
      urlRoot: '/companies'
  8. Create a product model using supermodel, then create the products collection
    class App.Models.Product extends Supermodel.Model
    class App.Collections.Products extends Backbone.Collection
      model: App.Models.Product
  9. Create a file for our associations
    App.Models.Product.has().one 'company',
      model: App.Models.Company
      inverse: 'products'
    App.Models.Company.has().many 'products',
      collection: App.Collections.Products.extend
        url: ->
      inverse: 'company'

    I used a separate file because our models could not be loaded when we are defining our associations, we just require this file after our model files.

    #= require_self
    #= require_tree ./templates
    #= require_tree ./models
    #= require ./associations
    #= require_tree ./views
    #= require_tree ./routers
    window.App =
      Models: {}
      Collections: {}
      Routers: {}
      Views: {}
  10. And that is all the code, now we just need to start the application and play with the javascript console.
    bundle exec rake db:create
    bunde exec rake db:migrate
    rails server

Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Now you can try the following lines in the browser’s javascript console.

    company = new App.Models.Company({ name: 'foo' })

    company.products().create({ name: 'product 1' })
    company.products().create({ name: 'product 2' })

    // you'll see an array containing the products created above

    company.products().first().company() === company // true :)

Associations is only one of the numerous features of Supermodel.js if you want to know what else you can do with it, read its documentation.

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